From the Field: Meet Photo Pace - Chris Corona

From the Field: Meet Photo Pace - Chris Corona

Posted on by Alex Dawson

From the Field: Meet Photo Pace - Chris Corona

We've partnered with @photo.pace, a new(ish) photo-based collective out of the Bay Area, to share new work and words over the coming months.⁠ Their passion for photography, perspectives, and the cycling community inspires us and we hope it will inspire you as well.⁠

In his own words:

Besides cycling and photography, I enjoy time with my family. From binge watching The Mandalorian to road trips for the perfect avocado toast, we enjoy being together. Living in Santa Cruz County gives us several options for outside adventure. I've been shooting for 5 years now, I first started with the Sony RX100 in a jersey pocket. I still love that camera but I've expanded my quiver to include Sony a6000 and A7iir with a few different lenses.

Describe yourself as a photographer - What is your aesthetic? What are you looking for in a good photograph?

I don't really like calling myself a “photographer” per say. Maybe when I can shoot to make a
living I may consider the label. I enjoy offering the full experience of what it is to be on the bike with a camera. Movement, landscape, colors and lighting are all parts of the experience. I love the aesthetic of the bicycle too. I enjoy the lines and choices people make for their every day rig.

How did you come into being involved with Photo Pace?

I think it started when we all got into a group DM on Instagram. If I recall correctly, we jokingly said we should start a group account for our b-roll shots and it just grew from there.

What is your favorite part of storytelling?

I'm not great with words so I choose to live by the phrase “a photo is worth a thousand words”. I choose to tell my story through my photos, it can be as simple as a morning adventure with a cup of coffee just to see the sun rise.

How have you felt photography has fit into your life on the bike? Have you benefited from photography in anyway?

I obsess over both hobbies. It seems that no bike ride is ever done without a few images captured. Off the bike, I enjoy evolving my editing skills and going into my archives and culling images I never thought were really good. I have benefited greatly through creating new friendships, learning new perspectives and having a steady stream of banter and love with the Photo Pace squad. I have even started my own website for print sales. It has been a fun side hustle that helps me evolve even more.

What does Photo Pace represent for you?

Progression, evolution, love, bikes and egoless friendship. I have a group of friends that I can rely on. We all discovered this through our passions for the same two things. I cant think of a day in the past couple years where we all haven’t chatted about photography and bikes. Dream builds, camera settings,
meetups and now, opinions on the state of our country. It seems that we all do a great job of keeping each other in check without having to keep each other in check. I don't recall being a part of a group with this much diversity and cohesion in one spot.

In a perfect world, where do you hope to see Photo Pace at its pinnacle?

Perhaps it is at its pinnacle. I mean, what could possibly be better than a bunch of artists pushing each others progress free of ego? I think we have aspirations to grow but I love our grassroots feel. We should have a site soon and print sales will follow shortly after.



We've partnered with @photo.pace, a new(ish) photo-based collective out of the Bay Area, to share new work and words over the coming months.⁠ Their passion for photography, perspectives, and the cycling community inspires us and we hope it will inspire you as well.⁠

In his own words:

Besides cycling and photography, I enjoy time with my family. From binge watching The Mandalorian to road trips for the perfect avocado toast, we enjoy being together. Living in Santa Cruz County gives us several options for outside adventure. I've been shooting for 5 years now, I first started with the Sony RX100 in a jersey pocket. I still love that camera but I've expanded my quiver to include Sony a6000 and A7iir with a few different lenses.

Describe yourself as a photographer - What is your aesthetic? What are you looking for in a good photograph?

I don't really like calling myself a “photographer” per say. Maybe when I can shoot to make a
living I may consider the label. I enjoy offering the full experience of what it is to be on the bike with a camera. Movement, landscape, colors and lighting are all parts of the experience. I love the aesthetic of the bicycle too. I enjoy the lines and choices people make for their every day rig.

How did you come into being involved with Photo Pace?

I think it started when we all got into a group DM on Instagram. If I recall correctly, we jokingly said we should start a group account for our b-roll shots and it just grew from there.

What is your favorite part of storytelling?

I'm not great with words so I choose to live by the phrase “a photo is worth a thousand words”. I choose to tell my story through my photos, it can be as simple as a morning adventure with a cup of coffee just to see the sun rise.

How have you felt photography has fit into your life on the bike? Have you benefited from photography in anyway?

I obsess over both hobbies. It seems that no bike ride is ever done without a few images captured. Off the bike, I enjoy evolving my editing skills and going into my archives and culling images I never thought were really good. I have benefited greatly through creating new friendships, learning new perspectives and having a steady stream of banter and love with the Photo Pace squad. I have even started my own website for print sales. It has been a fun side hustle that helps me evolve even more.

What does Photo Pace represent for you?

Progression, evolution, love, bikes and egoless friendship. I have a group of friends that I can rely on. We all discovered this through our passions for the same two things. I cant think of a day in the past couple years where we all haven’t chatted about photography and bikes. Dream builds, camera settings,
meetups and now, opinions on the state of our country. It seems that we all do a great job of keeping each other in check without having to keep each other in check. I don't recall being a part of a group with this much diversity and cohesion in one spot.

In a perfect world, where do you hope to see Photo Pace at its pinnacle?

Perhaps it is at its pinnacle. I mean, what could possibly be better than a bunch of artists pushing each others progress free of ego? I think we have aspirations to grow but I love our grassroots feel. We should have a site soon and print sales will follow shortly after.